About Me

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My name is Amber and I am seventeen years old. My greatest interest is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I like to dabble in photography and writing, so this blog is a mix of my photos and stories. I also might at times post some heartwise articles. Please enjoy; I always appreciate comments.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Novel Update

This has been my writing station for the past two days. The weather has been warmer lately so I've been able to set up shop on the front step with my story and a CD.

       Hi all. I am working on my next Messing with Manual post, but in the meantime I wanted to post a quick update on my NaNoWriMo novel. For anyone who doesn't know this already, I participated this past November in a novel writing challenge called NaNoWriMo.

         The challenge is essentially to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I made it to the necessary word count, but still had about half of the novel unfinished. I've been trying to keep busy working at it, although it has been hard to be consistent. Well, a few days ago, I completed Part 3 of the story. That means I only have Part 4 to go. I am hoping to have it finished and edited by June. One of the prizes of meeting the 50,000 word deadline is that you have the opportunity to have five copies of your novel published through a self-publishing company for free. The offer is only good through June, though.

         The past few days I've been busy configuring an outline for Part 4. To celebrate my reaching this point, I will hopefully in a couple of days have a fun post that will aquaint you a little more with the characters of my story.

        While I was out on the step, typing my outline, I had my camera with me. Every once in a while I took a writing break to capture the life around me. :) Here's a few of the pictures.

My grandma was out sweeping the walk, so I tried a few black and white photos.

BTW: One of the songs from the CD that's in the first picture is the song of the week. Be sure to check it out on the sidebar.


Tina said...

I cannot wait to read your novel. I appreciate your diligence and desire to complete the project. I will pray for you.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Keep it up:):):):)