About Me

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My name is Amber and I am seventeen years old. My greatest interest is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I like to dabble in photography and writing, so this blog is a mix of my photos and stories. I also might at times post some heartwise articles. Please enjoy; I always appreciate comments.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pictures Awry

Anyone out there know about taking pictures of young kids? If you do, you have probably discovered that it is difficult to take a group picture.

In fact, some days it is virtually impossible. By the time you have one child finally looking, the others have lost interest.

The most frustrating thing can be when you are reviewing the pictures later. You might have some adorable shots of some of the kids, but the others aren't smiling.

Oh well! The kids still look cute!


Amber said...

Lulu, (okay, Amber, I will remember!) oh, how exciting to hear from you again after so long!! It's exciting to find old friends! And that is SO neat that we share both the same first and middle name - wow!!

lol I agree, it's hard to take good pictures of young ones! So you really work as their nanny? How cool! How much a week do you do it?

Hope to hear from you again soon!


Amy H said...

Hi Amber! I just came over from my friend Amber's blog (who commented above me) and I was wondering if you're the same Lulu from "Saved Girl" on HSB. If so, I used to be booklover, but I also moved!

Nice job on the photos! Yes, I know how hard it is to get a good group shot! Have you tried swapping heads around in editing? No one has to know that you cheated. :-D I do it all the time.